Aug 2 – The Biden administration and the Office of the National Cyber Director have a plan to improve the nation’s cybersecurity skills. They want to build up the workforce and make sure all working Americans are prepared for the digital world.
This is the first government plan of its kind to accomplish one goal: meet the increasing demand for cyber security workers in the United States.
The plan has four main parts:
1. Skills-Based Approach: They will create a larger pool of digitally savvy Americans by teaching not just cybersecurity but also other digital skills like IT, AI, and quantum computing.
2. Education Partnership: They will work with schools and businesses to create relevant curriculums that teach students how to defend against cyberattacks.
3. Diversity and Inclusion: They want to include more underrepresented groups in the cybersecurity field by breaking down barriers and prioritizing skills over certifications during hiring.
4. Federal Workforce: They will attract and retain cybersecurity talent in the government through scholarships and better pay.
Overall, this plan will transform the nation’s approach to cyber security and help fill the growing cyber security skills gap. Once implemented, this initiative will make sure everyone is ready for the digital challenges of the future.
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