
The CISO’s Guide to Mobile Security, Protecting Mobile Devices from Zero Day Attacks

Protecting information, mobile devices


In the last year, cyber security researchers have observed an explosion in terms of the number of mobile-specific zero day vulnerabilities in use by cyber criminals, who find these vulnerabilities convenient for purposes of data theft and monetary gain.

In 2021, 30% of all zero day vulnerability exploits targeted mobile devices. This represents a 466% increase, year-over-year. In spite of a reputation as the most secure ecosystem, vulnerabilities in iOS accounted for 64% of mobile-specific zero day attacks.

Many mobile zero day attacks begin with a phishing lure. Although security capabilities with anti-phishing functions can help prevent zero day exploits on mobile devices, organizations need to do more to limit the probability of successful zero day attacks on employee devices.

If reading this as someone who is not a security pro, know that zero day attacks can take multiple forms and lead to unexpected network traffic, cyber espionage, intellectual property theft, extortion or other cyber perils. The growing number of devices (mobile phones, Tablets, and other ‘smart devices’) in use for work purposes means that mobile device-based zero day attacks are a growing risk.

While it’s not possible to mitigate all zero day threats, it is possible to take the right precautions, which can limit your employees’ level of vulnerability and that of your organization as a whole.

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