Home Security Implications of Weakened Supply Chains

Security Implications of Weakened Supply Chains


As in the wild, threat actors in the cyber world target vulnerable organizations. Such is the recent turmoil surrounding pandemic-induced supply chains that provide goods from raw materials, to finished materials and components, to finished goods. Incapacitated supply chains are currently scrutinized such as the attacks on the maritime industry’s operational technology (OT) growing by 900% over the last three years.1

Logistics companies, critical to providing transportation, warehousing, maritime ports, and
other services to global supply chains, are suffering. For example, 169 industries have
been impacted by chip shortages2 —and climate conditions that have harmed agricultural
production are struggling at the supply end.3 Labor shortages, especially in the trucking
industry, are causing inventory deliveries to back up despite less inventory in the pipeline.
With top management focused on these issues, the $100 billion shipping industry has
become a prime target for ransomware attacks.4

What can be done to protect critical supply-chain infrastructure against costly ransomware and other types of threat-induced stoppages? The answer starts with understanding the problem.

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