As lock down restrictions ease, many organizations are eager to reopen their doors and to recover from economic losses. In the process of reopening, organizations are adopting new measures to track employee health. Facial recognition software, temperature checks, thermal imaging, and other forms
of health screening are chief among the tools used to help identify and isolate positive coronavirus cases. At least 60% of organizations are keeping data on those who contract the coronavirus.1 International, federal or state data compliance protocols may offer guidance on how to manage your organization’s newly collected human data.
However, non-uniform requirements in US states, and relaxed GDPR and PIPEDA laws may mean that, to some extent, you’re in uncharted waters. Coronavirus screenings present a new level of visibility into employees’ lives; one that’s typically protected by legal restrictions. From a cyber security standpoint, employee health screening measures present significant data storage and data privacy challenges. By improving your cloud security,
your physical security and your mobile security, you’ll be able to keep your organization as safe and as healthy as possible.
Securely storing sensitive data in the cloud
Some organizations are storing massive volumes of sensitive human data in the cloud. It is incumbent upon organizations to ensure that cloud data storage not only meets minimum security compliance requirements, but that organizations hold themselves to the highest standards in cyber security. The potential for a breach looms large and the ensuing damage could be even more ruinous than your businesses’ economic losses from the coronavirus. Securing sensitive cloud data requires a multi-pronged approach. Employers should assess risks,
and take care to monitor, detect, prevent and respond to cyber security threats. In reshaping your organization’s cloud security infrastructure to effectively protect employee data, consider…
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1 Protecting Employee COVID-19 Health Data: What CISOs Need to Know, Dan Swinhoe, CSO Magazine, June 10, 2020