
PREVIEW: How Healthcare Can Boost Cyber Security and Close Its Defense Gaps

Healthcare cybersecurity


Hackers have made healthcare a top target. As a result, the healthcare industry experienced the highest number of ransomware attacks during Q3 2022, with one in 42 healthcare organizations suffering an attack – in spite of an 8 percent drop in ransomware attacks in Q3.

In addition, a survey 1 of 132 health care executives found that ransomware was the No. 1 cyber security threat, more so than insider threats or data breaches.

Unfortunately, lives are at stake. Given the recent state of cyber attacks, hospitals are now beginning to see how cyber security doesn’t limit itself as an IT requirement, but how critical it is in delivering patient care.

With proper planning and investment, it’s possible to prevent and mitigate these risks. In this paper, we discuss the challenges of securing a complex healthcare environment – and how you can leverage a consolidated security architecture to efficiently secure patient safety and hospitals operation.

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