Home New U.S. global cyber strategy

New U.S. global cyber strategy

May 6th — The U.S. State Department has announced the development of a new global cyber security strategy. The objective is to foster international cooperation around the prevention of nation-state hacking, the safe development of artificial intelligence and other urgent cyber space-related concerns.

Secretary of State Antony Blinken is due to present the plan at the RSA Conference in San Francisco. An early look at the strategy indicates four main areas of focus: A secure digital ecosystem, respect for international sovereignty concerning digital activities, coalition building to counter malicious threats, and supporting cyber security resilience among allied nations.

What else

The strategy document also describes the U.S. State Department’s newly created Cyberspace and Digital Connectivity fund, which is intended to assist international allies in enhancing their cyber security. Prior to the creation of this fund, the U.S. distributed one-time grants to allied nations for this purpose. Past recipients include Albania and Costa Rica.

In relation to the United Nations, the U.S. has expressed interest in taking on a larger cyber diplomacy role. The U.S. will promote more “action-oriented” conversations concerning cyber security issues. The U.S. also intends to implement a framework around responsible behavior in cyber space.

More information

This international cyber strategy is among a collection of initiatives put forth by the Biden Administration in recent years in order to advance technology security, national security and international cooperation.

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