Will your organization see cyber security success despite today’s unprecedented cyber security talent shortage?
It’s no secret. Top talent is notoriously tough to find. And the issue is turning into an industry crisis. Only 30% of organizations say that they retain adequate cyber security staffing.1 Fifty-percent of organizations that report staffing shortages say that they remain at a ‘moderate’ or ‘extreme’ risk of a cyber attack.
And roughly 3.5 million global cyber security positions are going unfilled.2 Organizations need more talent to join cyber security staff. But how can they make it happen?
One of the earliest mentions of the cyber security talent shortage occurred in 2011, when ESG analyst John Olsik pondered, “Will there be a shortage of cyber security professionals in 2011?” The same topic continually resurfaces in business conversations nearly 12 years later.3
Historically, other burgeoning industries have encountered similar difficulties. The oil industry, the construction industry, the logistics sector and others have all experienced growth spurts and labor shortages that have led to high levels of competition for talent—if not all-out talent wars. Smart businesses are recognizing that the cyber security talent shortage affects economies, entire populations’ welfare, along with political agendas, and peacekeeping efforts.
Private sector businesses and government organizations are taking steps to address this stressor, but precisely how it’s handled could affect the success and failure of organizations, along with the lives and livelihoods that depend on reliable cyber security.
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