Home A new cyber security paradigm to get ahead of threats

A new cyber security paradigm to get ahead of threats


Since its inception, cyber security has focused on how products can effectively react to threats.

Traditionally, security engineers have developed methods to stop the attack once detected, even after the exploit has caused damage to organizations and individuals. In response, attackers have diversified their attack methods to evade detection.

The Creeper Worm, an experimental replicating program developed in 1971, was the first computer virus. It infected DEC PDP-10 computers running the TENEX operating system using the ARPANET.

It copied itself to the remote system where the message, “I’m the creeper, catch me if you can!” was displayed. The Reaper program was created to move across the ARPANET to delete the self-replicating Creeper.

Despite the invasion of Gen V or large-scale, multi-vector attacks armed with advanced attack tools over the past five years, many cyber security technologies remain in reactive mode. Mitigating damage is a goal, but with recent sophisticated attacks, shutting down network services has been common.

Traditional security strategies and methods are no longer enough to thwart advanced attacks. The Log4J vulnerability, SolarWinds attack and supply chain attacks are noteworthy examples of how attack methods have outpaced conventional reactive security strategies.

Now, there is a new paradigm to help your organization stay ahead of these sophisticated attacks.

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