
100 hospitals offline due to cyber attack

Healthcare staff member resorting to pen and paper for note taking


Over the weekend, in Romania, 25 hospitals experienced data encryption due to a ransomware attack. The attack started with a children’s hospital, and progressed to regional treatment centers, and cancer patient facilities.

As a precautionary measure, upon learning of the attack, 75 Romanian healthcare facilities preemptively took systems offline.

The country’s centralized care and data system, the Hipocrate Information System (HIS), also experienced disruption.

Systems offline

On Monday, one hospital recorded 180 patient admissions on paper.

“…we did continuous admission records on paper, day admission records on paper, we wrote medical test recommendations on paper. Everything is done on paper, just as we did years ago,” stated Regional Institute of Oncology Manager, Mirela Grosu.

Incident response

All affected servers have been shut down. In some hospitals, the internet has also been disabled in an effort to prevent data loss.

Most of the hospitals have recent backups of their data, enabling efficient restoration of systems. However, at one facility, the backup does not include the last 12 days of data.

Experts from the National Cyber Security Directorate and others are in the process of investigating the attack. Paths to recovery are being assessed.

More information

The ransom demand for full-system restoration is roughly €157,000 per hospital. Victims have been advised against contacting the attackers and paying the ransom.

All hospitals have received instructions explaining that they should: Isolate systems, save ransom notes and system logs, investigate the logs to identify the point of entry, keep the impacted systems “on” to preserve evidence from memory, if possible, inform relevant parties about the incident, restore from backups where possible, and ensure that operating systems are up-to-date.

Healthcare ransomware prevention

Although not always the case, many instances of ransomware and the subsequent system fallout can be prevented. If you work for a healthcare facility, read through the following ransomware prevention tips:

Related resources

  • Healthcare attacks are increasing: Why zero-trust will prevent care disruptions – Learn more
  • 10 best practices: How to prevent cyber attacks in healthcare settings – Click here
  • Healthcare cyber security solutions – Product information
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