
Cloud security monitoring: Benefits, best practices and more

Cyber security team analyzing information and data


What is cloud security monitoring?

Cloud security monitoring refers to the practice of overseeing both virtual and physical servers to inspect data for threats and bugs. Cloud security monitoring solutions often depend on automation to measure and assess activities related to data, applications and infrastructure.

How cloud security monitoring works

Cloud security monitoring solutions can be built natively into cloud server hosting infrastructure, or they can be “bolted on” through third-party services or security management tools.

As with SIEM, cloud security monitoring involves collecting log data across servers. Advanced cloud monitoring solutions parse through data for anomalous indicators. They then send alerts as needed, enabling incident response.

Cloud security risks

Cloud security monitoring helps offset cloud security risks. These include:

Benefits of cloud security monitoring

Cloud security monitoring can yield the following benefits:

Cloud security monitoring challenges

Cloud security monitoring best practices

Implementing the following best practices around cloud security monitoring can result in a more strategic approach, enhance environment visibility, and establish multi-layered security measures, safeguarding organizations from advanced threats.

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