
6G for executives: What will the business impact look like?

6G technology communication concept art


The next generation of connectivity is on the horizon. It’s expected to be 100X faster than 5G. Possibly 1,000X faster. But it’s not just about connectivity speed…

Active use of 6G is likely to have powerful, game-changing business implications. Experts expect that 6G will enable businesses to significantly enhance productivity, foster strategic agility, and to chart new courses for growth.

As compared to 5G, the sixth generation of wireless technology will offer lower latency, more reliable connections, new capabilities, green technology, improved cyber security features and more.

The path to 6G

Major telecommunications groups are choosing divergent paths towards 6G. The company Huawei, for example, prefers to discuss 5.5G. “This cannot be skipped – it’s a prerequisite for 6G,” says Miguel Barroso, a 5G solution architect for Huawei.

The rate of scientific progress will have to keep consumer expectations in check. 6G is a tremendous leap and there’s still a ways to go. But when we get there…

What to expect

The advancements could blur the lines between the real and the virtual on an unprecedented scale, according to researchers. Think holographic meetings, people beamed into 3D digital offices, and avatars that can make authentic-looking eye contact in real-time. A prevailing belief is that 6G will enable millions of people to access metaverse-like virtual spaces in parallel.

What executives should know about 6G

In general 6G has the potential to yield significant benefits for businesses. In embracing the technology, executives can position their businesses for success in the years ahead.

More information

While a spectrum of verticals will benefit from 6G, the healthcare implications could be particularly revolutionary. Small and smart sensors may be able to float through our bloodstreams to monitor and measure different aspects of health. The results could help address issues before they become full-blown crises.

Nokia CEO Pekka Lundmark remarked that when 6G arrives, “the smartphone as we know it will not be the most common interface…many of these things will be built directly into our bodies.”

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