We’ve combed the internet and put together a variety of the best tech newsletters to keep technology and security leaders informed of the latest trends, developments, resources, and news, enabling leaders to stay up-to-date with all security industry developments. Keep ahead of the curve and get information delivered to you in the most efficient way possible – via email. Read on to get started.

The best tech newsletters we recommend

CyberTalk Newslettersign up now

This cyber security-focused weekly newsletter delivers expert-curated premium content, exclusive resources, and powerful business and security insights from top industry experts. Resources provided include eBooks, webinars, whitepapers and the latest research. Join thousands of your peers in receiving these exclusive cyber security updates, exclusive tips, in-depth analyses, business insights and info on driving security workforce initiatives.

Benedict’s Newsletterregister now

VC Ben Evans, a partner at Andreessen Horowitz, publishes this weekly update to 150,000+ subscribers, which is well-known in the tech industry inner circle, and focuses on intriguing news, productivity and emerging trends. Choose from a free edition where you can receive the core news and links, or a premium monthly or annual edition.

CIO Newsletterschoose options now

With CIO, you can customize your subscriptions and receive a wide variety of CIO and IT newsletters that provide the latest ideas, data, strategies, expert advice, and today’s trending stories. You can also get expert perspectives from some of the best IT leaders in the world. Free newsletters include “Analytics and Machine Learning Report”, “CIO Career Strategist”, “CIO First Look”, “CIO Leader”, and “Top Enterprise Stories.”

Devops Weeklysign up for newsletter now

Developers and operators may enjoy an expert weekly dose of the latest DevOps news from Gareth Rushgrove, DevOps pioneer and weekly update editor, who provides a unique perspective on today’s headlines and the future of IT operations in this super-techie newsletter.

Digital Trends: Decryptedget trends now

A daily bulletin from senior writers of Digital Trends, focusing on in-depth stories, features, current tech trends, deals and unbiased reviews of the latest technology products.

MIT Technology Review: The Downloadsign up for the download now

Get daily updates in this newsletter that highlights the latest in emerging technology, with a slant towards tech’s societal impacts, from the world-famous Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). These in-depth reports can prepare you for what is coming next.

TechCrunch Newsletterssign up for these newsletters now

Choose from a great selection of technology-focused newsletters that will keep you up to date on today’s most significant updates, the latest industry events, headlines and startups news. Top pubs include: The Daily Crunch, Week in Review, Startups Weekly, This Week in Apps, Chain Reaction Crypto News, Events, Announcements and Perks.

TED Newsletterssign up now

The leader in well-known inspirational talks produces a daily email to keep you up-to-date on the newest talks -including release dates- upcoming podcasts, interviews with industry visionaries and informative videos. Choose from TED Recommends or the TED Daily Email.

It is critical to keep ahead of the tech and cyber security curve. By subscribing to some of the best newsletters in the industry, you can save time, energy, and resources. You can also keep informed about the latest breaking news.

If you have any suggestions regarding additions to our top tech and cyber newsletters list, please email our Cyber Talk editors here.

A sample of insightful and timely articles included in some of the above newsletters include:

What are the benefits to subscribing to top tech newsletters?

  • Keep up-to-date on the latest technology news and inside information
  • Use timely information in the execution of your job and in meetings
  • Get the headlines and curated content delivered directly to your email
  • Share news or relevant topics with co-workers and customers