
Colleges & universities: Better results with these security practices

Colleges and universities, cyber security practices


Colleges and universities collect an immense wealth of data from students (and often, their families) during admissions and enrollment processes. These days, much if not all of this data makes its way into a digital environment. A strategic cyber risk and governance scheme is imperative in protecting the data from prying eyes (or your clever students conducting pen tests).

The National Institute of Standards in Technology (NIST) provides regulatory guidelines for organizations that exist within their higher-ed network. Adoption of compliance measures is critical in preventing cyber intrusions. In addition, your organization may be able to go above and beyond in terms of cyber security, ensuring a pristine reputation and zero financial losses for the community.

 “It takes 20 years to build a reputation and five minutes to ruin it. If you think about that, you’ll do things differently,” as Warren Buffet once put it.

Ahead of exploring further risk management options, consider what experts are seeing within the education sector, as it pertains to cyber risk.

Cyber risk, education sector

You can advance your college or university’s mission to provide transformative, high-quality education by solving challenging cyber security issues. The absence of strong cyber security takes away from overarching organizational objectives.

Cyber security risk management, education sector

Plugging every threat is a challenge. The rapid shift to online and hybrid education has only led to additional struggles. Here’s how can the education sector mitigate potential cyber security gaps.

For more information about protecting your educational organization from cyber attacks, see the Top 6 ways schools can avoid ransomware attacks.

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