To fight the spread of the coronavirus, more than 80 percent of organizations pivoted to remote work. Seventy-four percent of employers intend to offer permanent remote work opportunities post-pandemic. Employers and employees both stand to benefit from new models of working. So how can organizations ensure a seamless and secure user experience for employees? Adopting fresh policies and software for secure remote access may seem unnecessary, but it’s a must.

Why isn’t my existing security good enough? 

Does your existing security cover every single distributed device? Securing every distributed device is critical. Twenty-one percent of distributed employees report that their work devices are also used by family members. A dad who takes a lunch break may find that the iPad on which he was preparing a PowerPoint has been commandeered by the kids for remote learning. Although an accidental malicious file download on this device could be perceived as personal problem, individual security slips can easily affect an entire organization.

What are organizations most concerned about?

Fifty-two percent of organizations report that endpoint is the top concern. Forty-seven percent state that stopping social engineering attacks is a top concern. Of this cohort, only 29 percent of survey respondents stated that they deploy endpoint protection on employees’ home devices.

Any device, anywhere: The unified approach

Why would anyone want to manage 11 different security products, some of which may not easily integrate with one another?

Unified secure connectivity solutions cut down on complexity and provide total endpoint protection for users. Getting endpoint, browser, email and remote access security in a single commercial package is an organization’s best bet.

“The move to mass remote working created security gaps in organizations’ security infrastructures that cannot easily be addressed with multiple different point products from several different security vendors,” says Rafi Kretchmer, of Check Point Software.

Secure remote access bundles

Close security gaps today. When reimagining your secure remote access set-up, seek out a vendor that can:

  • Support clientless zero trust network access from any browser
  • Prevent corporate password exposure
  • Block phishing attacks
  • Offer 360 degree malware protections
  • Ensure that new solutions can keep users’ browsing history private (This increases organizations’ abilities to comply with privacy-focused regulatory requirements)

See to it that anyone can connect from anywhere. Employees need secure access from home, on-the-go and in the office. The diagram below shows how unified security can keep it secure and keep it simple for your IT teams and cyber security professionals.

Everyone needs and deserves secure working opportunities. Rewrite your rules for remote access. Consider a consolidated security solution. Keep your organization 100% safe.

For more info about secure remote access, get expert insights during CPX 360.