
Must-know cyber security tips: How to limit risks while working from home

Person working from home, cyber security awareness


The coronavirus pandemic has transformed the world as we knew it, leading to profound changes in business operations and business cultures. Previously, working from home was often seen as a privilege or a luxury, while it’s now a part of the ‘new normal’. Among US companies, 84% anticipate broader and sustained remote working opportunities post-pandemic.

At this point in time, a significant challenge for organizations comes in the form of educating employees about cyber security hygiene and best practices. Be sure to provide your employees with the information that they need to keep your organization as safe and secure as possible.

Check Point’s President of the Americas, Chris Scanlan, offers the following tips:

  1. Request for employees to pay special attention to unsolicited or suspicious emails. “…the majority of cyberattacks I see are triggered by a phishing campaign,” he says. Verifying the legitimacy of emails is important, and employees may need coaching on how to do so effectively.
  2. Empower employees to encrypt data on their devices. Employees should also enforce strong authentication mechanisms. This tip is particularly relevant to those with young children at home, who many want to play games or surf the internet on a corporate device.
  3. Require identity authentication for videoconference calls. We’ve all heard stories about “Zoombombings” in recent months. Zoom and similar platforms have recently rolled out new security protocols to assist users in securing meetings. Use the “waitingroom” feature, and “lock” the call once the meeting has begun. As needed, request for participants to enable their video cameras so that you can visually authenticate identities.

For more tips on how employees can stay cyber secure, read this Forbes article.

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