
Top trends report: Gmail, cloud and phishing threats

Top trends report

This Cyber Talk top trends report highlights the site’s most popular articles across the past few months, and provides updates on those topics. Get the latest on the trends that matter to you.

1. Many of Cyber Talk’s readers have a keen interest in Gmail security. We don’t blame you, as over 150 executives have been targets of spearphishing campaigns in the past year.

While the tips that we mentioned previously on securing your Gmail account are still valid, you might also want to improve your email security with these two steps:

For organizations: Google is pushing out a series of new security features that will optimize your organization’s data stewardship and governance initiatives. For example, the company has launched a feature that allows organizational admins to block the download, copying or printing of sensitive files. You can read more about that right here.

2. The Cyber Talk audience has expressed deep interest in accelerated digital transformations. Here’s what began unfolding in the spring and what’s happening now:

In April, we examined organizations’ near overnight transitions to cloud-based infrastructures. Ninety-five percent of security professionals reported experiencing IT challenges due to circumstances created by the pandemic.

Coronavirus-related IT challenges are still prevalent, especially for those who aim to secure the remote workforce. From true insider threats to ‘negligent insiders,’ the unsecured work-from-home environment is a security minefield. Has your organization created security policies for employees who are working from home? A new survey shows that more than half of organizations haven’t shared new security policies around remote work.

What’s more, experts state that organizations need better visibility into the sensitive organizational data that’s being transmitted within the work-from-home environment. Identity access management (IAM) policies and platforms can help.

3. Everyone’s eager to protect employees from phishing-based threats. Cyber Talk reported on how to conduct successful phishing drills with teams.

Conducting phishing drills is more important than ever in light of a new phishing campaign targeting Google Cloud Services. The campaign presents unsuspecting users with legitimate PDF whitepapers in exchange for basic login credentials. The whitepapers supposedly come from a “renowned global consulting firm.”

“Hackers are swarming around the cloud storage services that we rely on and trust, making it much tougher to identify a phishing attack,” says expert Lotem Finkelsteen.

For more information on this story, please visit ITProPortal.

Check back next week for additional stories on past trends and current cyber threat landscape conditions.

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