Research shows that 88% of organizations now use cloud infrastructure. A full 21% of organizations now host all applications within a cloud context. Within the coming year, an additional 45% of organizations intend to migrate 75% or more of their apps to the cloud.

In a global survey of 1,283 software engineers, technical leads, and decision makers, the public cloud stands out as the most popular cloud deployment option.

  • 68% of survey participants reported reliance on AWS
  • Nearly 50% of survey participants reported use of Azure
  • 32% of organizations report running on Google Cloud Platform (GCP)

Some companies using Azure and GCP also used AWS, but companies that ran on AWS did not commonly deploy Azure and/or GCP.

“We see a widespread embrace of cloud infrastructure across the enterprise which suggests that most organizations now equate cloud with “what’s next” for their infrastructure decisions and AWS as the front-runner when it comes to public cloud adoption,” says Mary Treseler, VP of content strategy at O’Reilly Media.

What do organizations commonly need to more easily migrate to and implement cloud-based infrastructure?

Cloud-based security emerged as the preeminent domain required for improved cloud migration and greater use of cloud-based infrastructure. Sixty-five percent of organizations reported a need for better cloud security. Share on X

In addition, nearly 60% of organizations noted that they need more effective monitoring tools.

To read more about cloud security challenges in the age of coronavirus, see this blog, here. For information on cloud workload security, click here.