
A stand-up success with your digital transformation

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Agile has gained a modest reputation as a powerful, iterative means of working through product delivery, and chances are good that you use it with your IT team.

Although Agile is easy to learn, it can be challenging to master. Make the most of your agile strategy by getting an Agile certification. The following groups offer certificates: PMI-ACP, APMG International, Strategyex (Associate or Master’s) in agile, and the International Consortium for Agile (ICAgile), among others.

In many cases, Agile DevOps is no longer considered optional, and the Agile framework is being scaled to the rest of your business. As you work with executive leaders to create a series of Agile teams, consider how it can be used to advance each team’s business objectives, and consider running pilot programs.

Many organizations choose to expand their use of Agile because the stand-up meetings prove extremely worthwhile. Stand-ups are helpful in sharing progress, removing obstacles, and resetting expectations. The daily meetings can also ensure that employees are on the same page about who is taking on which tasks.

To make the most of your standup, start on time, no matter what, and ensure that you have a specific purpose for your meeting.

And occasionally, the best meetings are the ones that don’t actually happen. Agile is collaborative and dialogue oriented, but it’s intended as a flexible management style too.

For more on making the most of Agile, visit

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