
Cybersecurity for education: Schools study up on defending against hackers

Teacher Helping Teenage Female High School Student Working In Computer Class


The internet has become an indispensable learning tool among schools around the world. However, like any organization in the digital age, school districts face escalating cyber threats. Slim cybersecurity budgets have compounded the problem, making schools more vulnerable than ever before.

In a recent report, the Consortium for School Networking (CoSN) highlighted the need to not only connect students to the internet, but to also protect them. CoSN proposes boosting school cybersecurity using the US Federal Communications Commission (FCC) E-rate program.

A federally subsidized program that helps disadvantaged schools obtain affordable communications and internet access, some school districts have encountered obstacles in terms of paying for newly developed cyber technologies to add onto previous infrastructure.

Increasing funds from $150 to $250 per student could help schools secure their systems using advanced cybersecurity platforms, ultimately helping them to avoid phishing scams, malware and ransomware.

To learn more about increasing demand for better cyber security in schools, check out this article from Education Dive.

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