
With cyber attacks brewing, beer company pours resources into defense

Beer glasses on a table, surrounded by decorative greens and a bowl of something to munch on


The international beer company, Anheuser-Busch InBev (AB InBev), produces over 25% of the world’s beer, with over 400 brands, including Budweiser, Bud Light, Corona and Stella Artois. The company is in good spirits when it comes to adopting new technologies and preventing cyber attacks.

AB InBev currently collaborates with five different Israeli cyber security companies and is in talks with eight more firms.

While hackers may have a thirst for beer recipes, it’s more likely that they want a shot at the company’s finances, and other numbers-driven data.

Vice President of Global Security and Compliance, Luis Veronesi, stated that “with increasing digitalization, we have to be prepared.”

To that effect, the company is opening an in-house cyber security unit, informally known as “Beer tech.” Tapping into the knowledge and skills of as many as 100 employees, all located in Tel Aviv, the goal is to analyze threats and thwart potential attacks.

Last year, the company acquired the savvy start-up called Weissbeerger, a company that tracks beer sales and consumption by connecting beer taps to the internet. Could a hacker potentially weasel into the system and launch an attack? Could prohibition culture make a comeback? This vulnerability alone is enough to make the company go flat.

For more on this story, visit Reuters.

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